Take control of towering war machines and tip the balance of battle in your favor with the biggest characters in Dawn of War history. With war raging and the planet under siege by the armies of greedy Ork warlord Gorgutz, ambitious Eldar seer Macha, and mighty Space Marine commander Gabriel Angelos, supremacy must ultimately be suspended for survival. In Dawn of War III you will have no choice but to face your foes when a catastrophic weapon is found on the mysterious world of Acheron. Various terrains await you, and numerous places that are laid siege to will require tactical prowess in order to achieve glory.Step into a brutal battle between three warring factions And you'll find that you'll need them as the scale of battles in Warhammer 40: Dawn of War III are truly off the charts. Machinations that can turn the entire battle in favor of the ones who have it. There aren't just soldiers in Warhammer 40: Dawn of War III, there are War Machines. The Orks led by Gorgutz, The Eldar by Macha, and the Space Marines by Gabriel Angelos are all here, and it's up to you to pick one and lead them to victory. When word of this spreads, three might factions race to get it first, for they know it could be a tipping point for all life in the universe. On the mysterious planet of Acheron, a weapon of great power is found.

and with friends! So if you're ready for war on a giant scale, then jump into Warhammer 40: Dawn of War III. This third title in the revered Dawn of War line brings even greater battles, even bigger units, and more ways to play against both the A.I. Now, you'll get the chance to partake in some of the greatest battles ever witnessed in Warhammer 40: Dawn of War III. The races in this universe are drawn to combat, and are always seeking new ways to show off their power. The Warhammer 40k universe is filled with battles of all sizes.